This is a 2 liter bottle of soda...

And this is a pack of Mentos candy.

Now, if you grew up in the 60s, 70s, or 80s then you know what happens when you put the two together.

Once the candy enters the soda...

Within seconds a pressurized, fizzy explosion takes place.

And if you're someone who is suffering from chronic, painful acid reflux...

Then this is similar to what's actually happening inside your stomach...

And causing painful, fizzy, acidic fluids to splash up in your chest and throat

But what you might not know is that there is a simple, powerful, and acid neutralizing nutrient that can calm those rivers of acid inside your stomach.

And just like putting a cap on that cola bottle would prevent the soda from splashing up...

This same solution works to put an acid shield inside your stomach that keeps your painful acid flare ups down...

And can help neutralize the overflowing gastric juices that cause heartburn, reflux and stomach pain.

Inside this short video I'll show you exactly what it is and how you can start using it today to build an impenetrable barrier between you and heartburn.

I'll also show you how to calm your stomach acids and finally take back control from the reflux pain you're constantly dealing with.

Plus, may be able to do it without removing foods from your diet or taking dangerous medications.

And promote pain free stomach emptying so that nasty acid build up actually gets cleared out!

Once you see how simple it is, you'll finally understand what's really causing your acid reflux flare ups...

And give you a surefire way to deal with them, making them less painful and less frequent over time.

Believe me, what I'm about to show you is unlike anything you've ever seen before.

That's because it WORKS differently than anything else.

It uses something I call a Natural Acid Shield that literally traps acids inside your stomach, reducing how much acid splashes up in your throat.

Think of it sort of like a natural air defense system for your stomach.

And each time your gut is preparing to launch yet another acid attack...

A powerful, nutrient based and all-natural forcefield goes up, preventing those acidic juices from splashing out of your stomach and raining hellfire up on your throat and chest.

And here's the best part...

While everyone else tells you to take things out of your diet to end your acid reflux problems, I'm going to show you how adding 6 little nutrients could be all it takes to build this acid shield.

It's a stunningly simple solution that isn't hard to follow.

It hardly takes any time or any money.

All you have to do is add these 6 superfood, acid neutralizing nutrients to your diet that I'll show you inside this video.

And that's it!

I know, It seems so simple. Almost too simple.

But you'll see why this solution passed right under the noses of scientists, and even some well-respected gut health experts.

And you'll see how activating this natural acid shield can allow you to FINALLY get back to a normal life again.

You'll be able to eat again without thinking “is this going to give me heartburn?”

Or waking up in the middle of the night feeling like you want to vomit lava...

Or dealing with painful burps and hiccups that never seem to end.

Again, sounds unbelievable, I know.

But I'll show you all the proof behind it in just a moment.

So please, I encourage you to watch this video while you still can. It's only a few minutes. But it could truly transform everything for you. So let's dive right in.

But first let me tell you who I am and how I came across this potent acid shield protocol.

My name is Hi, I'm Dr. Holly Lucille, and I'm a licensed naturopathic doctor.

And even though I've been on national programs like The Dr. Oz Show and The Doctors...

And I've been featured on Time Magazine's ALT list as one of the top 100 influential people in the world...

Since childhood, I've been passionate about helping people transform their lives by living a healthy lifestyle.

But even as a child, I was troubled by this approach to health.

I always wanted to know “WHY?”

I would ask question after question hoping things would make more sense to me.

And my whole life, I've never stopped questioning the status quo, which is why it's so important for me to share this life-changing information with you.

Because there's about acid reflux and heartburn that most people just don't realize.

For example...

Did you know that if you experience heartburn, two or more times a week...

Then you have what is considered chronic acid reflux otherwise known as GERD syndrome?

It's true! And that's a big problem because people that are dealing with heartburn often assume it's just a regular thing...

And that by popping a few antacids a week they'll be able to “manage” the painful acid flare ups.

But here's a shocking fact that you might not realize about antacids...

Studies show that chronic use of antacids can increase the risk of dementia by 44%! *

That's because aluminum is found in over-the-counter antacids.

And aluminum can cross the blood-brain barrier and is a known neurotoxicant and contributes to cognitive dysfunction and may contribute to Alzheimer's disease. *

But that's not all...

Chronic and repeated use of popular antacids have been found to have other nasty side effects.

Things like constipation, muscle function issues, respiratory complications and even kidney stones! *

Sounds terrible right? Well most people just don't realize the dangers of these things...

And even worse, most people think that taking handfuls of antacids is a good thing!

And this is where I started to become interested in finding a natural solution for acid reflux.

Because when everyone simply assumes a solution is “healthy”, that's when I take notice.

Usually when the majority of people are on the same side of something...

There's more to it than meets the eye.

And sure enough, as I began to look into the causes and popular solutions for acid reflux and GERD....

What I found was shocking.

I'll get to that in a moment, but first let's back up for a minute.

In order to deal with acid reflux, it's important to understand its true cause.

The primary trigger is a weakened or misaligned lower esophageal sphincter that fails to trap the acids in the stomach.

Chronic acid reflux (gastroesophageal reflux – GERD) occurs when stomach acids rise into the tube (esophagus) towards your mouth. *

The fluids known as “stomach acids” are known as hydrochloric acids which can irritate and damage the lining of your esophagus.

It's this that leads to those painful heartburn, ulcers, chest pains, and trouble swallowing that you experience. *

Think back to that soda bottle and candy I showed you at the start of this video.

That's sort of what's happening inside your stomach.

The little candies are certain foods inside your stomach..

And the soda that fizzes up is actually your stomach acid.

Now, in most people, their esophageal sphincter is working normally and it has the ability to trap those acids in the stomach.

Sort of like putting the cap back on the bottle after the candy is dropped inside.

When the lid of the bottle is on, it's not a big deal, the food and acid are trapped inside and nothing can splash up...

But when your esophageal sphincter isn't working properly, like in people who have chronic acid reflux or GERD...

It's like shaking that bottle up and removing that top....

All of a sudden there's nothing holding those stomach acids down.

And like a volcano that's just been woken up...

There's an explosion of hot, painful, burning stomach acid that shoots up through your chest, throat and into your mouth.

It wreaks havoc on your stomach lining, the inner lining of your throat, and if you're someone who has that fluid, it gets all the way up into your mouth...

It's even doing damage to your gums and teeth.

So, like I just explained...

For people suffering with acid reflux, the layer that is normally in the stomach that traps that acid and keeps it down is either weakened, or completely gone.

And that's why you need to repair it...

Because here's the really bad news about chronic acid reflux and GERD...

Once you're dealing with it, you're going to be dealing with it FOREVER.

There's no known “official cure” or solution for GERD and rising you one today - anyone that does is either lying to you or trying to sell you something that can't deliver on its promise.

But here's the good news...

Just because you can't completely get rid of it...

Doesn't mean you have to SUFFER forever.

There are ways to lessen the frequency of these acid flare ups...

You CAN improve the health of your stomach lining, and decrease the strength of the acid...

All while repairing that Natural Acid Shield I told you about.

That's where these special nutrients come in because it's been proven to not only repair that protective layer...

But also build a strong, robust and impenetrable Acid Shield that can keep that acid from splashing up.

I'm going to reveal them to you now...

And here's the thing...

There's one of these nutrients that's more powerful than any other...

And for too long it's been ignored by mainstream science...

And almost never gets talked about as an acid reflux solution.

But today you're going to hear all about it - so you can use it to finally get some much needed relief.

It's a unique ingredient that forms a neutral floating gel or “Acid Shield”.

It works to trap food and gastric juices in your stomach, alleviating reflux, heartburn, and further damage to the esophagus. *

It's called Sodium Alginate and it's an acid reflux god-send.

Originally discovered over 140 years ago, it's literally extracted from seaweed.

Like I mentioned, this nutrient truly is remarkable and it blows my mind that it's not mentioned more when it comes to GERD and acid reflux treatments.

How it works really is a thing of natural beauty.

You see, once inside the stomach, it forms a neutral raft of foamy gel that floats on top of those nasty gastric juices.

This allows it to separate the acid pocket from the lower esophageal sphincter.

The acid pocket is a pool of unbuffered highly acidic gastric juice that occurs below the esophagogastric junction after meals.

And this is where those painful acids first start to boil up.

So keeping them down there is of the utmost importance.

That's why I knew that any natural solution for acid reflux needed to be built around sodium alginate.

That was the good news...

The bad news was, there just weren't any formulas out there that I knew of that focused on this acid blocking nutrient.

And anytime that happens, there's one thing I always do.

I turn to my friends and natural health experts at PureHealth Research.

This is a team of researchers, formulators and health experts I have relied on for years when it comes to natural health solutions that actually work.

As it turns out - their lead researcher had already been knees deep in the research on sodium alginate for MONTHS.

She had poured over every study, paper and bit of research there was available on this nutrient...

And like me, she too was stunned that it wasn't used more often in the treatment of GERD, heartburn and acid reflux.

But that's not where her research ended.

She went on to tell me that not only had she done all these months of research...

But she and her team at PureHealth Research had already begun building a formula based entirely around sodium alginate!

Now I was excited - and this is why I return to PureHealth Research over and over again.

Not only are they a US Based health brand that actually takes the time to understand how and WHY certain natural solutions work better than others....

They put their money where their mouth is and create powerful health formulas of their own.

They don't bother with “off the shelf” formulas that rarely get results...

And they're not interested in simply making a buck or profiting off people's pain and suffering...
Like so many of the corrupt fat cats that run the big pharma companies.

So, to be honest, it was no surprise that they had already created a formula to solve this specific problem for people.

And I'd like to introduce you to it right now.

It's called The Gastro Health Formula.

Simple right? No need for fancy names or sneaky little marketing tricks...

Just what works. Plain and simple.

You see, GASTRO HEALTH FORMULA was specifically built around sodium alginate so that it could help build up your natural acid shield.

It uniquely helps your body trap food and gastric juices in your stomach, keeping them down and alleviating reflux, heartburn, and further damage to the esophagus.

But here's the thing...

With all the research and proof they'd pulled together on this miraculous little nutrient...

They could have stopped there with Gastro Health Formula, thrown a high price on it and called it a day.

But that's not what they did.

That's because they're committed to making the best and more powerful natural formulas possible.

And just like you, they're not interested in temporary fixes.

So while the sodium alginate inside the Gastro Health Formula does work wonders...

It's really just the tip of the iceberg.

Because just like that soda bottle with the pop rocks in it, as soon as you take that lid off, there's going to be a fizzy explosion...

That's why they've INCLUDED 5 other powerful ingredients inside of Gastro Health Formula that go a step further than just stopping the acid from bubbling up.

In fact, this formula goes a full 5 steps further!

The first is that it builds an impenetrable barrier between you and heartburn with Sodium Alginate that we already covered.

But then they added other powerhouse nutrients that...

Boost stomach and esophageal tissue... *

Neutralize oxidative stress that further damages tissue...

Promote pain-less stomach emptying... *

And reduce overflowing gastric juices that cause heartburn...

Let me explain how each step works and how using the nutrients inside Gastro Health Formula work together to ensure you reduce and calm those acid reflux flare ups.

The first is called deglycyrrhizinated liquorice or just DGL for short.

This powerhouse nutrient is actually known for helping to repair stomach and esophageal tissue... *

Which as you learned today, damaged esophageal tissue is one of the main causes of GERD or chronic acid reflux.

Well, in a study of 58 people suffering from 1 or more symptoms of GERD or acid reflux...

They gave the participants DGL for 6 months.

And at the end of the 6 months they were asked to tell the researchers the results they experienced.

A majority of the participants came back and reported they had SIGNIFICANT improvement in symptoms of gastric and intestinal irritation.

But here's the part I really love...

The patients also reported that the improvements they saw with the DGL were better than commonly used antacids! *

That means that using DGL in a natural formula may work better than the antacids you'd normally buy for heartburn.

Pretty stunning!

So, obviously it made sense to include DGL in the Gastro Health Formula.

The next nutrient they included was Quince.

Quince has been studied for years and has been known to have many properties such as antioxidant and anti-ulcerative effects. *

It's a natural herb that has been used for the treatment of a variety of gastrointestinal disorders like nausea/vomiting, ulcers, and epigastric pain. *

But there was one study in particular that I found interesting.

Do you know which group of people who tend to suffer serious bouts of acid reflux?

Pregnant women.

If you're a woman who has gone through pregnancy then this is likely no surprise to you.

Acid reflux is extremely common in pregnant women, and after week 27 the problems start to intensify.

It can be caused by hormonal changes and the growing baby pressing against your stomach.

Pregnant women often regularly complain of...

A burning sensation or pain in the chest...

Feeling full, heavy or bloated...

Burping or belching painful acid...

Feeling or being sick...

Bringing up food...

Sound familiar?

Well, researchers studied the effects of quince on a controlled group of pregnant women for 30 days.

They compared it against another group of pregnant women who were given a popular anti-acid medication.

The result?

The pregnant women who got the quince reported significantly lower symptoms than the ant-acid group.

Pretty impressive right?

Well, after reading that you can guess what happened...

The folks at PureHealth Research included quince in their formula.

That brought them to the 3rd nutrient.

It's called Hyaluronic Acid. You may have heard of it before because it's often included in women's beauty products for its skin regenerative properties.

But it also has a big impact on everyone who suffers with acid reflux ...


Is there anything worse than the feeling when your chest gets tight and starts to burn?

It feels like it's on fire, and you can't seem to find any relief. Sometimes the pain can be so intense that it's hard to concentrate on anything else.

It feels like someone is stabbing you in the chest with a red-hot poker and you can feel the acid from your stomach creeping up into your throat.

Well then you're especially going to love hearing about Hyaluronic Acid.

That's because in a study it was given to people suffering with just that same type of heartburn.

Twenty patients who had experienced heartburn and/or acid regurgitation for at least 3 days during a 7 day run-in period

One group was given the hyaluronic acid and the other was given a placebo for 2 weeks.

In just 2 short weeks you won't believe what happened.

In the group that got the Hyaluronic Acid, 100% of the people reported fewer heartburn symptoms, which was a great start.

But what was really shocking is that 50% of those people reported that ALL THEIR SYMPTOMS had disappeared. *

Now that's truly incredible.

Imagine having something that worked like a soothing blast of cold water on the flames of your heart burn?

You'd reach for it every time and that's why the folks at PureHealth Research put it directly in their Gastro Health Formula.

Finally, they wanted to solve perhaps the biggest challenge when it comes to chronic acid reflux.

To explain it, think back to the soda bottle at the start.

Think of how the candy over stimulated the soda and caused a volcanic explosion of acid...

Now think of how when the cap is on that bottle, the acid has nowhere to go.

Well, that's an improvement as it's not splashing up into your chest and throat right?

But it certainly can't be good for it all to just sit down there inside your stomach waiting for its moment to strike.

What would be best is if you had a simple, pain free way to evacuate all these harsh acids from your body.

Well, the researchers at PureHealth Research thought about that too.

And that's why they included two final nutrients known for doing just that.

They're called Artichoke extract and Rhodiola.

In a controlled study, volunteers were given an artichoke extract combination.

They were then fed a meal so the researchers could study the gastric juice and acid levels in their stomachs.

The researchers used an ultrasound so they could literally watch the entire digestive process before, during and after the meal.

And what they witnessed was incredible.

The patients who got the artichoke extract saw a dramatic and significant emptying of their gastric juices after the meal.

And that's great news for you...

Because as you've seen from the other nutrients in Gastro Health Formula, you'll already be building a natural shield to prevent the acid from splashing up...

You'll have the other powerhouse nutrients working to reduce the painful symptoms of heartburn and acid burps...

And now finally, thanks to the power of artichoke extract, you'll also have something that works to evacuate all that nasty acid from your system.

The artichoke and rhodiola were both also found to reduce indigestion, pain, burning, and heartburn by up to 40% in studies! *

And if that wasn't enough, the patients in the studies all reported significant improvements in their quality of life. *

Meaning they returned to feeling normal again...

And that's exactly what you can expect to experience after just a few weeks with Gastro Health Formula.

Gastro Health Formula has everything you need to finally tackle the painful symptoms of your acid reflux.

The 6 natural premium quality ingredients are all Doctor-Approved...

And are clinically and scientifically proven to help neutralize chronic acid reflux...

Vanquish indigestion, heartburn & discomfort...

Alleviate nausea & vomiting...

Form a floating natural acid shield over harmful gastric juices...

Speed up the repair of damaged tissue & ulcers...

Strengthen & hydrate mucosal tissue...

And shield against future acid reflux.

You'll get all this when you order Gastro Health Formula.

But that's not all you're getting today.

For everyone who purchases Gastro Health Formula today, we're including 2 free bonuses.

The first is something I think everyone should have when it comes to gut health...

And it's a free “snacking” guide.

Yes, you can boost the health of your gut by snacking, and here's how.

The 8 Best And Worst Foods For Acid Reflux

Sometimes you can't explain it, you just wake up and you can feel that sharp sting of avid bubbling up in your chest and throat.

And while the nutrients in the Gastro Health Formula are going to make a difference for you long term, sometimes you just need a quick "get me over" solution so you can get on with your day - without the stinging of another "acid burp".

That's why it's so important to know which foods will trigger acid reflux flare ups and which foods will douse their flames.

This bonus book that is included with your order today lists 8 of the foods I've found that calm acid reflux and 8 of the foods that patients have told me again and again seem to be a trigger.

Now, it's true that everyone is different and different foods can trigger reflux for different people, but this comprehensive list of foods to avoid and foods that can help will be a god-send for you.

It's broken into breakfast, lunch and dinner categories so you know exactly what to avoid and what to reach for when the sting of another flare up arrives.

It's yours free today with your order.

But that's not all, there's another free bonus we're including today.

It is called The Gastro Ease Cookbook: 9 Acid Calming Recipes.

The list of foods you'll get in the previous bonus book are great, but sometimes it can be hard adding something new into your diet - and some of the foods on the list can get a little "boring" if they're eaten on their own.

That's why we have included 9 of the best recipes I use that include all of those foods.

You'll see exactly what amounts to use AND how you can add some of these yummy meals right into your regular routine.

Combine both of these with your order of Gastro Health Formula and you'll have everything you need to calm those acid flare ups.

These bonuses sell for each, but if you order now, we'll include them free when you complete your order today.

Which brings me to the last thing you must be asking yourself...

How much is this all going to cost?

Listen, we've already established that there's no “Cure” for acid reflux or GERD.

But that doesn't mean you're doomed!

You can address the root of your acid reflux problem, repair the damage that's been done and still live a natural, healthy and pain free life.

But, you've also seen today how doing nothing is only going to make the problem worse over time.

Your acid reflux flare ups will become more frequent over time...

Your esophagus, stomach, and gut continue to take a beating dealing with that hot, fizzy, painful acid.

And even worse, you'll just fall back on old solutions that don't work.

Removing “trigger” foods from your diet...

And swallowing handfuls of dangerous antacids or other medications.

And the vicious cycle continues.

Here's what I recommend instead...

Try Gastro Health Formula for 90 days and I guarantee you'll never want to give up your newly discovered bliss.

Why 90 days? Well that's normally how long it takes to see if something will truly make a difference for you.

But here's the thing....the folks at PureHealth Research have already proven to you they don't like doing just the bare minimum.

So they're willing to “insure” your purchase of Gastro Health Formula for AN ENTIRE YEAR.

That's right.

You'll have a full year to try it and if it doesn't work for you, then they will give you back every red cent you spent.

That means that even on day 364, if you feel like you want your money back for ANY REASON...

Simply contact their friendly customer support line and they'll issue you a refund.

That's how much they stand behind this formula.

But something tells me it won't come to that.

Because once you try Gastro Health Formula you'll see just how powerful it is.


Being able to ditch the useless antacids that can harm your brain and stomach lining...

No longer suffering through days of chugging green juices, chalky tasting antacid drinks, or taking sodium bicarbonate tablets in desperation...

No more choking on painful acid when you lie down or sit up too fast.

Being able to say goodbye to , indigestion, and heartburn, and enjoy healthy meals without fear!

No more money lost on temporary fixes.

No more time wasted on remedies and dangerous tactics that don't work.

And no more worrying if your next meal is going to leave you writhing in chest pain.

And that's exactly why you need to act today

Remember, this formula is BRAND NEW.

This is the first time it's being released to the public.

That's why they are offering you a special introductory offer today.

But it's only going to be available at this price for a very limited time.

Here's why...

When they were putting the finishing touches on Gastro Health Formula, they decided they would charge $150 per bottle.

And when you think about all the time that went into testing and researching...

... plus finding the highest quality ingredients and the exact right dose...

Along with how life-changing this formula could be...

Well, I think you'll agree...

... it would be a bargain at that price.

But they knew $150 is out of reach for a lot of people.

And they wanted to make Gastro Health Formula available to everyone who needs it.

So the folks at PureHealth Research have agreed to bring the price down to just $49.

Think about it... that's just $1.63 a day. That's less than a small latte!

Plus, you can save EVEN MORE by selecting a 3 or 6 month supply at checkout.

Which is the smart move... and costs just $1.4 a day!

That's why I strongly suggest you order at least a 3-month supply of the Gastro Health Formula

But if you'd like to share this remarkable, life-altering journey with a friend or loved one...

Or you just want to make sure you have enough of the Gastro Health Formula when you need it...

Then I recommend you order the 6-month supply.


If you answered “yes!” to both of the questions, then you qualify for a special discount.

I know you're committed to putting your acid reflux woes behind you.

That's why they've made a special effort to offer the Gastro Health Formula for the fairest price possible.

So that anyone who wants to, can afford it.

In fact, the more bottles you buy, the bigger discount you can get.

Plus, they'll even send your order free to you anywhere in the continental U.S.

So go ahead and click the button below and you will be taken to a secure checkout page.

This checkout page is completely secure because they use an encrypted merchant account with the same high level security as websites like Walmart and

So you can enjoy peace of mind knowing that your information is 100% safe.

On that secure page simply tell them where to send your supply of Gastro Health Formula, enter your payment info, and the folks at PureHealth Research will handle the rest.

But I must warn you, since Gastro Health Formula is a new formula, it's currently being MADE IN LIMITED QUANTITIES

In order to keep the price of it as low as possible for as long as possible, PureHealth Research has decided to produce it in small batches.

This way they don't have mass amounts of it laying around, taking up inventory space and costing more money.

Big companies have the capacity to do this but they almost always pass those extra costs on to you.

That just doesn't make sense to them.

So, the good news is that when you order today you know you're getting a product from a batch that was recently created...

And you're getting it at the lowest price possible.

The bad news is...

They Expect To Sell Out Of Gastro Health Formula Regularly

Due to the low stocks and based on the popularity of similar products, they know they're going to run out before the next batch is ready.

So, if you currently look below on this page and see options for 1, 3 or 6 bottles, then it means it's still in stock...

...and I suggest stocking up so you've got plenty.

But if those options aren't available to you then don't worry as they'll be working hard behind the scenes to get more in stock.

So, the only thing left to do now is click below and choose your levels of savings and they'll get your bottles of Gastro Health Formula sent straight to your door.

Thank you for spending this time with me.

See you next time.